2011 TAT_Discovery and Development of Next Generation Epigenetic DNMT Inhibitor SGI-110

2011 TAT_Discovery and Development of Next Generation Epigenetic DNMT Inhibitor SGI-110

2011 EORTC: AT13387 Anti-Tumor Activity in imatinib-sensitive and -resistant GIST Models

2011 EORTC: AT13387 Anti-Tumor Activity in imatinib-sensitive and -resistant GIST Models

2010 ASCO: HSP90 Inhibitor in Refractory Solid Tumors: Phase I Study of AT13387

2010 ASCO: HSP90 Inhibitor in Refractory Solid Tumors: Phase I Study of AT13387

2010 EORTC: Novel Antagonists of XIAP, cIAP1/2 Generated by Fragment Based Drug Discovery

2010 EORTC: Novel Antagonists of XIAP, cIAP1/2 Generated by Fragment Based Drug Discovery

2010 AACR J_S110 is Effective DNA Methylation Inhibitor In vivo and Reduces Tumor Growth

2010 AACR J_S110 is Effective DNA Methylation Inhibitor In vivo and Reduces Tumor Growth

2010 ASH_SGI-110 Preclinical, PK, DNA Methylation of Low Vol Subcutaneous Formulation

2010 ASH_SGI-110 Preclinical, PK, DNA Methylation of Low Vol Subcutaneous Formulation